Sociability: an experience in different learning spaces
This article of reflection is part of phase I, of the research project Characterization of the forms of sociability of the students of the UDI, whose purpose is to determine how students socialize in tertiary educational studies, their interaction with different environments and the effects on their educational process. During this phase the state of the art is constructed, a fundamental aspect for the interpretation of the information and the design of an intervention proposal that is expected to be built at the end of the project. The proposal is framed within the theoretical basis of international authors such as Giddens, Bourdieu, Bauman; First-degree historians such as Agulhon, Guerra and Furet; philosophers such as Habermas, Gadamer and critics of critical pedagogy such as Giroux, Freire, accompanied by national authors among whom are the sociologists Celis Giraldo, Guatame Castro who have reflected on the associativity along the path of the history of sociability and which addresses the instruments that allow us to understand the research problem around the need to understand the new spaces of relationships, determine their forms and links, within a specific area, such as the University of Research and Development UDI (Bucaramanga Headquarters).
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