The importance of pedagogical observation for professional teaching practice from experience in practicum I during the 2019-2 academic term

La importancia de la observación pedagógica para la práctica profesional docente a partir de la experiencia en la Práctica I durante el periodo académico 2019-2


Camilo Andrés Pascuas Sánchez
Stefanía Cuéllar Alvira

This article begins from the need to reflect on the process of professional teaching practice, especially the stage of pedagogical observation, which represented irregularities due to social and political dynamics inherent to the teaching and student exercise. For that, it realizes a theoretical review of some conceptions of what professional teaching practice represents, particularly pedagogical observation, starting with the most traditional one, which is the technical-artistic conception, then we describe how was the process of pedagogical observation of the practice I of the degree of Natural Sciences in the academic period 2019-2 in the Maria Cristina Arango de Pastrana Educational Institution of Neiva city, to then make a review of other conceptions of pedagogical practice and make some final reflections.



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