Inclusion of two mestizos in the inga community
From an intercultural perspective, this study focuses on analyzing the inclusion carried out by the Inga indigenous community located in Colón, Putumayo; to 2 mestizos by using a qualitative methodological approach, with ethnographic design, the voices of the community are rescued to identify trends in terms of the dimension of cultural inclusion, which is what has been cultivated among people, which is cognitively shared and translated into uses and customs, languages, beliefs, and lifestyles; Social inclusion points at the reduction of inequalities between people, economic inclusion as a concept of solidarity in opposition to capitalism, and, political inclusion, as a form of participation that aims at strengthening their organizations and playing a more active role in the construction of democracy and multi-ethnic, pluricultural and multilingual states.
This study highlights the good living - Suma Kiusai, which transversals the four dimensions of inclusion of the indigenous community to the mestizos; it also highlights the appropriation of the territory, politics from integration and inclusion, the symbolic value of the Chagra to generate fabric and share food.
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