Articulation of social organizations from popular education

La articulación de organizaciones sociales desde la educación popular


Luis Enrique Buitrago Pinzón
Nubia Patricia Estupiñán Soler

This article presents the built reflections and learnings from the systematization of two articulation experiences between social organizations in which the Popular school of Arts and Crafts EPAO took part, which were developed between 2013 and 2019 in the southeast of Bogota. The systematization exercise enabled us to make explicit facts, feelings, and thoughts that led us to specify reflections on practical elements in dialogue with theoretical aspects about social organizations, popular educations, and their contributions in articulation processes; In this way, we consider important to disseminate them as they draw attention to points that we consider relevant for social organizations as they contribute to a fundamental issue, this is: weaving together, articulating, joining forces to face the adverse conditions that have worsened due to the effect of the pandemic.



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