Re-signification of Paulo Freire's thought in Pedagogical Praxis

Resignificación del pensamiento de Paulo Freire en la praxis pedagógica


Vicente Iván Cruz Jerez

September 19, 2021, commemorated the first centenary of the birth of one of the most influential pedagogues and educational philosophers of the twentieth century. This event unleashed a series of academic and cultural events worldwide in the media, popular organizations, educational institutions, and teachers, to exalt the memory and the work of the great Latin American teacher for his significant contribution to the development of Popular education that aims at the liberation of the oppressed.

For the Claretian Popular School (EPC), also known as Filodehambre and Complementary Formation Program (PFC) of the Escuela Normal Superior de Neiva (ENSN), it was impossible not to be linked to the celebration of such a great event, because these two experiences have been implementing the philosophical, pedagogical and methodological principles of Paulo Freire in their educational praxis, trying to decant a liberating pedagogical proposal with rural, urban marginal relevance and for inclusion. This is the main reason to socialize the outstanding aspects of the educational praxis that highlight the Freirean libertarian pedagogical thinking, thus impacting the lives of children and young people of the popular sectors of Neiva and Huila department, who attend these two schools, seeking to be valued and recognized as social subjects.



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