Outcome expectations and their importance in the learning of high school students

Expectativas de resultado y su importancia en el aprendizaje de estudiantes de educación media


Mario Gerley Wenceslao Agudelo Badillo
Luz Andrea Acevedo Quitian
Elquin Eduar Mejía Loaiza
Jenny Consuelo Mahecha Escobar

This article shows the results of an investigation that set out to establish the incidence of the generation of expectations of results during the planning phase of the task, in the learning of high school students. The study population was made up of students and teachers from ten educational institutions from different regions of Colombia, some belonging to the rural context and others to the urban one. The methodology used was of a mixed nature and the scope was exploratory and descriptive; Instruments such as: survey, semi-structured interview and focus groups were used.


Among the results, the importance of developing in these students capacities to plan their academic activities and, specifically, to generate positive expectations of results during said enrollment processes is highlighted; This is based on motivation, autonomy and self-regulation. It was obtained that having expectations leads them to act with interest, security and confidence in the search and implementation of much more effective learning strategies; than to find meaning in learning for their lives, encourages them to take an active part in their own process of building new knowledge and to believe positively that they can obtain good results in their proposed objectives.



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