Gamification, a teaching strategy to strengthen tolerance in boys and girls
This research project seeks to develop a didactic strategy through gamification in order to provide a solution to one of the problems facing education today, this is addressed in relation to the lack or little evidence of values, especially tolerance. The central axis from which it starts is based on the idea that the lack of tolerance towards the other constitutes serious problems of coexistence, consequently education in values is considered a key aspect in the development of any society. In this sense, the research aims to strengthen tolerance in the boys and girls of the sixth grade (6th) of the IE Barbacoas, municipality of Tuchín, Córdoba, based on a diagnosis, design, implementation and evaluation of seven (7) gamified activities.
The research results show the importance of applying gamified strategies and the usefulness of the game as a tool to strengthen interpersonal relationships, intercultural skills, tolerance, and coexistence among students, in addition to providing pleasant learning spaces that stimulate curiosity, motivation and participation of boys and girls.
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