Notes about sociocultural processes and Literature teaching in Latino América between 1940 and 1990

Apuntes sobre procesos socioculturales y enseñanza de la literatura en América Latina entre 1940-1990


William Fernando Torres

1. Dependency and Urbanization (1940-1960)

In the avatars of the spanish Civil War, the Second World War and the Cold war,  The countries in Latino America attended to the international event in marginal roles: The first one, they contributed militar people to the republican cause, and they also received pursued politicians and migrants. In the Second one, they gave some raw material the allies, and, inderectly, they declared the war to the axis, when USA -through the Panamerican union- suggested the convenience of that attitude. In the third one, some country gave soldiers to face the comunism in Korea. 

This marginal roles let infer some of the political and economic processes that the continent faced:  the spread of republicanims and socialism. On one hand, economic dependency and militar ideologies allies with USA, and on the other,  after decades of submission to the english capital.

In politics, the above circumstances are evident in the forms of government prevailing in different nations: in some, weak democracies, in other old dictatorships. In economics, both developed pre-industrial processes or in transit towards light industry: in the fields, the depreciation of monocultures, in cities, the growth of small industries. And above all, the presence of foreign capital - in particular North American - that wanted to get good dividends from suitable land, raw materials and cheap labor, and complacent laws and authorities (1)



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Author Biography / See

William Fernando Torres, Universidad Surcolombiana

Especialización en Comunicación y Creatividad para la Docencia


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