Reflections towards the spread in the Usco's education school

Reflexiones en torno a la extensión en la facultad de Educación de la Usco


Comité de Extensión de la Facultad de Educación

The essence of the university extension lies in its nature of social management process that allows the intervention of the University in regional and national development, with a view to reaching interventions within the social conjecture and the search for concrete solutions that express the idea of development understood as social change from the perspective of the popular sectors.
Naturally, this intervention should not be seen as something purely conjunctural, but as a permanent process adjusted to the search for alternative models of development. This conception of extension implies that it must be closely correlated with the research and teaching functions performed by the university institution. In the first case, through research on regional and national realities that guide on what problems should
act the action of the university extension, and, in the second case, through the contextualization of the contents of the subjects so that the knowledge can be applied with transforming intention.



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