A curious formula

Una fórmula curiosa


Augusto Silva

The objective of this article is to show a formula that allows to calculate derivatives of high order, let's say 4, 5 or more, of a product of functions without having to know the intermediate derivatives. The result is curious, since it keeps a lot of analogy with the formula known as the Binomial Theorem



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Author Biography / See

Augusto Silva, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Titular.

Programa de Matemáticas y Física


Apostol Tom (1976). Calculus. Volumen I, Editorial Reverté.

Courant, R y Robbins, H (1976). ¿Qué es la matemática? Editorial Aguilar.

Rainville Earl, D (1979). Ecuaciones diferenciales elementales. Editorial Trillas.

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