the playful, and gambling

Lúdica y Ludopatía


Carlos Bolívar Bonilla Baquero

In a writing of a recent publishing (See, An Approach to the Concept of Playfulness, Kinesis Magazine No. 22) attempts to characterize the Playful, endowing it with a more transcendental human sense that goes beyond the common idea of ​​defining it as a simple game. When advancing in the reflection on the subject, now appears the need to differentiate Ludic of Ludopatía., Differentiation on which this work deals. In the aforementioned publication, it is proposed that the Playful be conceived, in essence, as a dimension of human development as important as cognitive, sexual and communicative, among others. In addition, it is stated that Playful refers to the need that every person has to feel pleasant emotions associated with vertigo, uncertainty, distraction, surprise or joyful contemplation.



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Author Biography / See

Carlos Bolívar Bonilla Baquero, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Titular de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Director del Postgrado de Pedagogía de la Expresión Lúdica


Bonilla Baquero, Carlos Bolívar. Interpretaciones sobre la Cultura Corporal de los Adolescentes Escolares.

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Garzón Núñez, Abigaíl y Rodríguez, María Elena. La Práctica de Alta Velocidad en Moto y su Significado para los Adolescentes de Neiva.

Goleman, Daniel (1996). La Inteligencia Emocional. Javier Vergara Editor, Buenos Aires (A) Pag.78.

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Montaigne, M (1995). De la Embriaguez, en: Ensayos Tomo II Edit. Aitaya. Barcelona (E) 1995, Pag.20.

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