Study of the metabolic and bariatric surgery group in the university hospital of Neiva over a year
Experiencia del grupo de cirugía bariátrica y metabólica del Hospital Universitario de Neiva durante un año
Objective. Describe the surgical and metabolic results and changes to body image in patients undergoing bariatric surgery, in order to establish the effectiveness of the procedure in obese patients. Method and materials. Case study. The study examined the medical history of 35 patients who underwent bariatric surgery between September 2011 and September 2012. Results. 91% of patients had one or more associated comorbidities, of which gastrointestinal disorders were the most common. The most common technique was the gastric bypass. 12% developed postoperative complications. All patients reduced their bodyweight with an average body mass index (BMI) loss of 5.4 and 11.6 kg/m2 in the first and the sixth month respectively. Patients with a small intestine of 150cm lost more weight by the sixth month (2kg/m2 more) than those with a small intestine of 100cm. 98% reported a decrease in gastrointestinal symptoms and glycaemic levels reduced in 30%. 20% of diabetic patients and 12.5% of hypertensive patients continued taking medication for their conditions. Conclusions. Bariatric surgery is an effective technique to reduce BMI and improve comorbidities associated with obesity, thereby reducing the necessity of the use of medication. Self-perception of post-surgical body image improves considerably.
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