Nutritional status and functional capacity in the chronic care unit in hospital universitario, Neiva
Introduction. In Colombia nutritional status is widely described as mal nutrition, which refers to its relationship with clinical results. Nutritional status and functional status are closely related, but this is rarely mentioned. The aim o f this study is to describe the nutritional and functional status in patients with chronic health conditions in a comprehensive health care institution. Method. A cross-sectional study. The nutritional status was measured using a subjective global assessment (SGA) and the functional status using the Karnofsky Score. Nonparametrictests were used for comparisons between the function al groups. Results. 58 patients were identified. 36 (62.1%) were men and 22 (37.9%) were from a rural area and a lower socioeconomic class. The most common chronic condition was related with traum a in 18 patients (31.0%) and neurologic al conditions in 12 patients (20.7%). In accordance with SGA, 52 (89.7%) patients were classified as being in some state o f undernutrition ; half of those with severe undernutrition (C) and mild undernutrition or suspected malnutrition (B). The highest Karnofsky score was 60, with an average of 30 (40-50). The Karnofsky scores were similar, according to the SGA classification (p = 0 .5 2 7 9 ). Conclusion. The majority of patients with chronic conditions do not suffer from malnutrition or any functional dependency, taking into account the particular requirements and evaluation of strategies. Trauma is related to the stage o f chronic illness.
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