Walking paths with the Tamas Paeces: An experience of reconstruction of cultural identity
This article presents the initiative of the GAIA research seedbed group, affiliated with the ILESEARCH group, with the purpose of strengthening Cultural Identity in the La Gabriela Reserve, located in Caguán, Neiva, home to approximately 87 indigenous families belonging to the Tamas community. Over generations, this community has been influenced by Western culture, resulting in a weakening of its cultural identity and a lack of perspectives among the youth. The methodology employed was participatory action research, involving the community in the process of identifying key cultural aspects, co-creating learning activities, and implementing strategies and activities. The goal was to rescue and strengthen the cultural heritage of the Tamas community, recognizing its vital importance for the existence of indigenous communities in an ever-changing world. This project had a broader scope, highlighting the need to promote critical intercultural education in Colombia, fostering respect and horizontal dialogue among diverse cultures in the country. The Tamas Reserve, La Gabriela, benefited from this collaborative effort to preserve its cultural identity and strengthen its future.
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