Mathematical Logical Knowledge.

El conocimiento lógico matemático


Jose Antonio Ardila

The purpose of this article is centered in showing the difference that is between the Mathematical logical knowledge and the social one, which is fundamental to be able to guide in a significant way the mathematics teaching. 

In addition, I tell some experiences I have had with children in which, the aforementioned topics are reinforced and I emphasize the importance of respecting the actions and reasoning of our students for learning purposes.



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Author Biography / See

Jose Antonio Ardila, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor de Matemáticas. Universidad Surcolombiana.


Ardila, J (1993). Acerca de una experiencia pedagógica. Notas de matemáticas. Notas matem´áticas, No. 33, pp. 57-59. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Buenaventura, N (1997). El cuento del PEI. Santa Fe de Bogotá: Cooperativa Editorial Magisterio.

Kammi, C (1994). El niño reinventa la aritmética. Madrid: Aprendizaje visor.

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