The pedagogy I desire

La pedagogía que yo quiero


Álvaro E. Avendaño R.

Passing through the last university events, I remember, with nostalgia, these verses that accompany us in the 70's. That in the state, with the old parent's illusions, we bring the measurements of the perfect girlfriend, but, its detailed and expensive qualifier reports only show the "bones and imperfections" that lead to see ugly our university. well,  no;  She does not need shower with blessed water. 

The state, in his paternal vanity, believes that everything needs to follow his image and resemblance. Its is time already that his sons, like old women usually say "immatures and so", to choose our path. 

I know it because I have suffered it, and in this point is the one i was referring to. Surcolombiana University. December 1st, 1999. A great presentation of the initiatives of the postgraduate. Anxious, a unwared group of professors was waitinf the tester of the National council of acreditation (CNA). Previously, it had beem presented a specialization proposal in the area of computing for the regional teachers.



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Author Biography / See

Álvaro E. Avendaño R., Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Titular de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Autor de varios textos universitarios y de artículos publicados en revistas nacionales y regionales sobre temas educativos y ecología.


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