The Science learning

El aprendizaje de las ciencias


Luis Javier Narváez Zamora

More than an amount of time given to the experimentation on  the implementation  of the constructivist model in the South-Colombian region, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in basic, middle and higher education; They force me to postulate the benefits and effectiveness of human constructivism in the acquisition of meaningful learning. This type of learning reaches a person when in a conscious and autonomous activity, manages to link to their preexiwesting cognitive structure, new regularities of reality (nature or society) in a relevant way, not arbitrary or memorísiica :. This learning depends on the one hand on the disposition to knowledge, the quality of the learning materials and on the other hand on the ability of the apprentice to process stored information, constituted as a construct: personal, with which he can explain a new experience.



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Author Biography / See

Luis Javier Narváez Zamora, Universidad Surcolombiana

Licenciado en Biología y Química: Especialista en Docencia de la Biología. Profesor catedrático, adscrito al Programa de Licenciatura en Biología y Química, Universidad Surcolombiana.


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