Training professors for higher education

Formación de docentes para la educación superior


Liberio Salazar Trujillo

Claiming that the century thheat is opened is the one of the scientific rationality and the society of knowledge implies, on the one hand, that the "wealth of nations" no longer exists, as in other times, nor in the possession of the land, neither in the industrial advances and not even in the accumulation of capital, but in the information, the communications and the technology; and on the other, that the key of the access to that new universe is the education. For that reason, among all the sectors of the economy of a country, it is the one with the greatest transcendence and the one that requires the greatest efforts of financing and training of its social actors. There is in the world as an awareness that the possibilities of development depend on their progress in education and that only through them will open alternatives for social transformation tending to create more human communities, based on knowledge.

Therefore, reasonable questions arise, particularly in countries with appreciable levels of backwardness, on the relevance, quality and equity of their educational systems and, although initiatives that aim to remedy these shortcomings can not be ignored, social returns are out of phase at a dramatic pace with the unmet needs, generating the decomposition of the social fabric. And we are referring precisely to the situation in our country, the incidence of this factor of education in the conjuncture of violence, corruption and moral autism that has led us the absence of a genuine national educational project (among the causes most determinants), with the consequences of becoming an unviable nation (as we have been declared internationally) and of exhausting our reserves of hope, identity and confidence in the construction of the future.



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Author Biography / See

Liberio Salazar Trujillo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Decano Facultad de Educación - Universidad Surcolombiana

OJS System - Metabiblioteca |