The university superior council in the USCO- reflections

El Consejo Superior Universitario en la Usco - Reflexiones-


William Guzmán Baena

Under any aspect, I consider it responsible to record some opinions about the University Superior Council of the USCO, if certain antecedents are not previously formulated. For anyone, who is categorized as a fairly general culture, it is unknown that the Colombian Public University faces a serious and significant crisis. The Neoliberal Model, that back in Cúcuta, around 1974 announced the Liberal Patriarch (the MRL, Softline) Dr. Alfonso López Michelsen in association with the ideologist of the same Liberalism Dr. Julio César Turbay Ayala, and recorded as a great victory with the "Economic Opening" appears strengthened in the Administration of Dr. César Gaviria, who through Law 30 of 1992 ended up brutally beating the Public University from the points of view: economic, political, cultural, investigative, etc. Although the legislator of that time left certain positive points, moderately acceptable, thanks to the beating by the Federation and Association of University Professors.



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Author Biography / See

William Guzmán Baena, southcolombian university

Profesor Titular Usco

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