Moral development or moral behavior?

¿Desarrollo moral o conducta moral?


Alejandro David García V.

This paper is developed by talking into account the moral research in education, in this sense two research approaches are described, one centered on the moral judgment, therefore they are works of cognitive character, whose main exponents are Piaget and Kohlberg. The other focuses on moral behavior, these studies originate in the behavior of the subject. Some authors are Lickona, Bandura, Turiel, among others.

Finally, the work of Agusto Blasi is approached, who tries to reconcile the two previous ones, these works are recent and they are hardly taking possession of the academic discourse.



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Author Biography / See

Alejandro David García V., southcolombian university

Filósofo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Magister en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano, CINDE Universidad de Manizales, profesor asociado Departamento de psicopedagogía, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Surcolombiana.


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