Basic study to identify the aspirations of the Huila's high school students to enter higher education and detect the need to create undergraduate programs at the Surcolombiana University

Estudio básico para identificar las aspiraciones de los estudiantes de bachillerato de la región huilense para ingresar a la educación superior y detectar la necesidad de creación de programas de pregrado en la Universidad Surcolombiana


William Guzmán Baena
Adriana Marcela Gaitán
Leidy Carolina Cuervo
Jenny Mercedes Aguirre
María Teresa Salazar

The route through the educational amenities, from Neiva and some located in the based of the USCO, contact with leading educators, for the study, students in grade XI and directives of the selected establishments were providing valuable information: oral and written, related to the thought of the next bachelor on the aspiration to continue studies at the level of Higher Education, their desire to know certain careers, while knowing partially the educational problem in a context and translate concerns for the Surcolombiana University - USCO - the only one in the sectional plan of official / public order project the creation of new Undergraduate Programs; at the same time offer an overview of the degree of knowledge of the Faculty of Education, its media and the conformation in terms of existing programs and general suggestions.



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Mejía j, Marco Raúl (1987). Movimiento Pedagógico. Documentos Ocasionales. No. 28 (Educación Popular) y 42 (Movimiento Pedagógico). CINEP Centro de Investigación y Educación Superior. ARFO. Bogotá (1987).

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