Literary criticism in the Colombian press of the second half of the XIX century: Democracy (1849-1850) Iris Ladies' Journal (1866)

La crítica literaria en la prensa Colombiana de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX: La democracia (1849-1850) Iris Periódico de Señoras (1866)


Ladys Jiménez

The press becomes an essential element of public life and politics, and literature is nourished by the polemics of newspapers, and it is through the press that the works of national and international writers (especially French) begin to circulate. the urban society and in which the first national works that began to trace a new literary and national drama are published. Therefore the press is a document of important historical value, insofar as it allows us to investigate the subjectivity of a given period and social actors, "it constitutes a primary source that not only consigns information but interprets it, values ​​it, it indicates, exalts or vitupera, in short, takes sides against the events that occurred (...) and As a biased and subjective document, the press reflects the imaginaries of an era, the common senses and ways through which argues or against argues about the most varied issues of national life ... "(Uribe, Álvarez, 2002. p.xii, xiii.)



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Author Biography / See

Ladys Jiménez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesora Programa de Lengua Castellana

Anderson Imbert, Enrique. Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, 2 vols. México, FCE, 1970. (P. 72)

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Eagleton Terry. ¿Qué es Literatura?" en Una introducción a la teoría literaria, Santafé de Bogotá: FCE, 1994.

Mignolo, Walter, Elementos para una teoría del texto literario, Barcelona, Crítica. (1978).

Periódicos: La Democracia Rafael Núñez(1849-1850) Iris Periódico de señoritas (1866).

Rama, Ángel. Novela en América Latina: panoramas: 1920-1980, Procultura, Bogotá 1982.

Rodríguez Arenas, Flor María, Bibliografía de la Literatura Colombiana del siglo XIX, Tomo I Stock Cero, Buenos Aires, 2006, pág 5.

Uribe, Jaramillo, "la influencia de los románticos franceses y de la revolución de 1848 en el pensamiento político colombiano del siglo XIX" en La Personalidad histórica de Colombia y otros ensayos, El Ancora Editores, Bogotá 1994, pág. 162-190

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