Real dynamic languages

Lenguajes dinámicos reales


Jairo Galindo

Some time ago we received an invitation from a public university to give a lecture about our scientific research in human communication, specifically in one of its most important and used components, in the day to day and in their chores, by its producers: human being Talking woman and human being speaking man, as it is the sonorous or spoken component, complemented by its prolonged recording in the timeline, as it is the visual image, written image, written speech or writing. Directed through the Real Dynamic Languages or Real Dynamic Speech: Uiraka Dynamic Language (Colombia) and Umonani Dynamic Language (Brazil) within the theoretical framework of Diversified Linguistics, LINDI or Speech Theory. Being that the subject to be approached during said conference, we centralize it within the title: REAL DYNAMIC LANGUAGES.



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Author Biography / See

Jairo Galindo, Del Prouta. Sao Paulo, SP. Brasil.

Prof. Dr. Del Prouta. Sao Paulo, SP. Brasil.
Prof. Dr. Visitante del Proufijisko. Puritol, Colombia.
Exprofesor del Colegio Nocturno Alvernia, Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia, 1991-1991. Exprofesor del Colegio INEN. Leticia Amazonas, Colombia, 1984-1991.


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