A look at the concepts of leisure, free time and recreation of students, teachers and administrative staff of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the Universidad Surcolombiana

Una mirada a los conceptos de ocio, tiempo libre y recreación de los estudiantes, docentes y administrativos de la facultad de ciencias exactas y naturales de la Universidad Surcolombiana


Angel Miler Roa Cruz
Kelly Vanessa González Vanegas

The results of an exploratory quantitative investigation are presented where a structured survey with multiple-choice questions was used as an information collection tool. The population under study consisted of 45 students of the applied Maths program and 45 students of the Physics program, 60 teachers of applied Maths and 33 Physics, as well as 7 administrative staff belonging to the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the Universidad Surcolombiana. It was also concluded that a high percentage of the population is not sufficiently clear about the concepts of leisure, recreation and free time, besides, they are not fully aware of the benefits that these activities generate in the life of the human being.



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Author Biographies / See

Angel Miler Roa Cruz, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctor en Ocio,Cultura y Comunicación Para el Desarrollo

Kelly Vanessa González Vanegas, Universidad Surcolombiana

Auxiliar de investigación

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