Strengthening critical reading, from workshop-based learning, in students of the eleventh degree c, of the educational institution Alonso Carvajal Peralta, in the municipality of Chitagá

Fortalecimiento de la lectura crítica, a partir de aprendizaje basado en talleres, en los estudiantes del grado undécimo c, de la institución educativa Alonso Carvajal Peralta, del municipio de Chitagá


Juan Manuel Ochoa Gamboa

In order to strengthen critical reading in students, the theories of Daniel Cassany are applied. In addition, different postulates about workshop-based learning (ABT) and constructivism.

To begin, the results obtained by the students in the 2016 - 9th language tests are analyzed and a diagnostic test is applied.

Based on these results and taking into account the Institutional Educational Project, a pedagogical proposal is designed based on the workshop-based learning strategy (ABT) and develops a didactic unit.

For the development of the investigative process, the Action Research method was taken into account. The technique of participant observation is used and the instrument to record what was observed was the pedagogical diary. The population of this study was 24 students.


The background was based on research at the regional, national and international levels with master's and doctoral theses, which propose various conceptualizations about critical reading. Likewise, they ratify the prevailing need to lead students to reach higher education with a better reading process and from there arises the need to support the strengthening of critical reading processes.

It can be concluded that: it was possible to identify that there are shortcomings in the reading process, with the development of the didactic unit it was possible to strengthen the critical reading in the students, It was understood that the acquisition of reading competence is a process that requires an adequate driving.





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Author Biography / See

Juan Manuel Ochoa Gamboa, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Docente de Lengua CAstellana

SOLÉ, I. (1992), Estrategias de lectura. Editorial Graò. Barcelona. Recuperado de

Cassany D. (2006) Tras las líneas Sobre la lectura contemporánea. P. 13, Ed. Anagrama. Barcelona

Recuperado de

Cassany D. (2003) Aproximaciones a la lectura crítica: teoría, ejemplos y reflexiones.

Recuperado de

Cassany D y Castellá J. (2010) Aproximación a la literacidad crítica, p. 365. Recuperado de:

Monroy, E. (2017). Ateliers d'apprentissage du philosopher (AAP) o Aprendizaje basado en Talleres filosóficos (ATF). Colombia: Recuperado de:

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