Environmental Education at the Luis Rodríguez Valera Educational Institution, in the municipality of Valledupar - Cesar

Educación Ambiental en la Institución Educativa Luis Rodríguez Valera, en el municipio de Valledupar, Cesar


Juan Carlos Rivera Mendoza

The present research called Environmental Education at the Luis Rodríguez Valera Educational Institution, in the municipality of Valledupar - Cesar, sought to develop environmental education guidelines at the Luis Rodríguez Valera Educational Institution, in the municipality of Valledupar - Cesar. Theoretically it was supported by the postulates of the Tbilisi Conference (1977), Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1993), Unesco International Conference PNAMU on Education Training and Environmental Training Moscow (1987), The Declaration of Comodoro Rivadavia. Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Sauvé, 2014), in addition to the Legal Norms of Colombia. Methodologically it was framed in the type of mixed research. Its development was structured in six trajectories. With a non-probabilistic sample of ninety (90) students, ten (10) teachers and a focus group of seven (7) students to whom a semistructured interview and an in-depth interview with the rector were applied. With the analysis of the results obtained in the study it was considered that in the I, E in question there is very little ecological awareness, so it was necessary to build the proposal entitled United will take care of our house, the Earth that after applied and systematized its results were concluded that its execution was successful, achieving the formation of ecological awareness in both students and teachers.



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