Student practices in the space of a public school cafeteria

Prácticas de los estudiantes en el espacio de la cafetería de un colegio público


Jhon Alexánder Monsalve Flórez

This reflection article arises from a qualitative investigation, oriented from the hermeneutic-interpretive model, which uses the direct observation technique of the Social Sciences. The research is framed within the line "Pedagogical practices" of the Research Group Culture and Narration in Colombia (Cuynaco), attached to the School of Languages ​​of the Industrial University of Santander; Likewise, it receives the methodological support of the Master in Methods and Techniques of Social Research, from the School of History of the same university. The objective of the research is to analyze the students' practices when they use the cafeteria space in a public school in Girón, Santander. To do this, it is proposed, after observation, the categorization process of the information collected, through content analysis. The findings are described in terms of four categories: a) Habitual behaviors of the subjects in the lines to buy products, b) Habitual behaviors of the subjects who do not buy in the cafeteria, but use space, c) Power relations and d) Instability of student attendance in the cafeteria. It is concluded, among other things, that the most common practice of students in the cafeteria space is play, although, by its nature, it is negatively valued by the teachers and managers of the institution.



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