Disinhibiting the border: An intercultural and translanguage education in basic education

Deshabitar la frontera: Educación intercultural y translengua en la enseñanza básica


Jorgelina Ivana Tallei

The proposal of this reflection is to present the various actions of the Border Pedagogy Program of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), offered to the teachers of the municipal teaching network in the city of Foz de Iguazú. The general objective of the aforementioned program is to think about an education of and for the borders based on themes that problematize the territory. The methodology adopted is based on a participatory action research perspective from the concept of the Colombian sociologist Fals Borda. The training actions of the Program allow us to reflect on the feeling of the border, being on the border and thinking about border education from the territory. The study is supported by the theoretical concepts of postcolonial and Latin American studies, such as Bhabha Homi, Fals Borda Orlando, Gunther Dietz, Walsh Catherine, among others.



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