South-South Academic Migration in Latin American Higher Education in the 21st Century

Migración académica Sur-Sur en la educación superior latinoamericana en el siglo XXI


Robinzon Piñeros Lizarazo
Denise Bianca Maduro Silva

This dossier contributes to the discussion on South-South Academic Migration in Latin America, which insofar in the 21st century, has been the scene of diverse student and teacher mobilities between countries in the region; in contrast to the hegemonic South-North trend, from the so-called "developing" countries to the "developed" ones. Among the multiple causes of South-South academic migration are structural ones, emphasizing national education policies that have stimulated coverage and expansive trends in higher education enrollment (undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and postdoctoral), related differentially to the science and technology policies, demographic cycles, and progression of educational enrollment in primary and secondary education.



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