Self-regulation of learning and its impact on reading and writing processes

La autorregulación del aprendizaje y su incidencia en los procesos de lecto escritura


Leidy Tatiana Elorza Vásquez
Adrián Felipe Pinzón Martínez
Ana Gregoria Allin Córdoba
Yulieth Carolina Castro de Horta

Self-regulation is a competence that in humans causes correspondence to certain life activities. In this case, it is brought up in line with reading and writing, considering that they are skills that can be further enhanced in adolescents. The article “Self-regulation of learning and its impact on the reading and writing processes” contextualizes the population with which the instruments were applied, the methodology and methods that influenced their creation, their systematization, analysis, and results. All the above occurs based on learning styles, something that has an impact to the extent that it is considered to manage strategies in the classroom. The results of this research are derived from the application of instruments in a “hierarchical” way, since it became important firstly, through observation and interviews, to know the learning styles to proceed with the structuring of strategies based on the didactic sequence. Next, we refer to aspects that gain value in the processes of self-regulation of learning, their impact on the student’s present life and in future stages that have to do with social productivity, even more so in aspects of reading and writing that require own initiative on mane occasions and that are related to learning styles.



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