pedagogic projects

Proyectos pedagógicos


Luis Evelio Vanegas Rubio

Through the Teaching Practice Committee, two large projects -dependent among themselves- are being studied and the realization of this will entail fundamental changes in the execution of the teaching practice in all the programs of the Faculty.
The first project has to do with the creation of a school that is the center of Pedagogical Application of the Faculty. He
second is a direct consequence and it is about the need to adapt the practice regulation in order to comply with
optimal way with the commitment that is acquired with the aforementioned school.
The origin of this project to create a school to be the Pedagogical Application Center, arises from the request that the
teachers of the afternoon session of the Agustín Codazzi School (Timanco neighborhood) made the University to send practitioners so that they could offer the 6th, 7th, 8th grades. and 9th. The contacts with visits to the establishment and meetings with directors and professors with the Head of Nucleus, consultations to the Secretariat of Education and meetings with participation of representatives of the school's teachers, the Dean of the Faculty of Education and the one subscribed as representatives, began. of the Surcolombiana University.



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Author Biography / See

Luis Evelio Vanegas Rubio, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente del programa de Lenguas Modernas

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