Suggestions for the exercise of university teaching

Sugerencias para el ejercicio de la docencia universitaria


Hilda Marina Bohorquez Lozano

No! It can not be given suggestions to do a task, This would be to assume that you have the last word, and I truly believe that nobody has it; The only thing that anyone can do is to share what they have learned during the time in which they have performed their respective work.
Therefore, I will allow myself to share some of the pertinent aspects that I have learned (collected) in my years of performance at USCO.
I completed my last studies at the National Pedagogical University where I obtained the title of Master in Education with a specialty in PHYSICS. Since 1979, I joined the USCO and I have taught OPTICS, MECHANICS, ELECTRICITY, BIOPHYSICS, THERMODYNAMICS, with undergraduate students in Mathematics and Physics, Engineering and Medicine, lower and intermediate semesters; using some didactic forms (exhibitions, experimental demonstrations, directed discussions, workshops, presentation of videos and sound advice, etc.)
With the above mentioned, I want to emphasize that the exercise of teaching has led me to consider several aspects simultaneously in the identification of my task. One, the received university education, places me on what I teach, that is, on WHAT to know, guides my work. Another, with WHO I do this, has facilitated me to perceive the variety of characters present in different human beings. A third aspect, the FOR WHICH I guide those who guide on the knowledge that guides my work, has generated a greater sense to my daily activity, and why not say it, to my own life. A final aspect, the COMO COMOiento, is the factor that has generated the constant desire to break with the routine, such that it energizes the task itself.



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Author Biography / See

Hilda Marina Bohorquez Lozano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesora de Física de la Universidad Surcolombiana

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