The social Importance of the modern environment of learning.

Importancia social de los ambientes modernos de aprendizaje


Carlos Bolívar Bonilla Baquero

Colombian educators have a commitment that can not be postponed, with the search for alternatives aimed at contributing to overcoming the generalized crisis that the country is experiencing. It must be admitted that this contribution will not be enough to resolve the crisis but if necessary, especially within the set of civilist options, opposite to the violent-militarist options of the right, center or left. In the same way, it is considered that a contribution in this sense can be significant from the current school classroom, as long as the educators assume a favorable attitude to the revision of our teaching performance, internalizing theoretical conceptions that make possible the construction of modern environments of learning. 
Later, we will define this last expression.
Learning environment. When we talk about the Learning Environment we are referring to a pedagogical category that defines the structure of relationships in which the first protagonists of the educational process act. It is a category that transcends the traditional conception of the learning environment, as the physical space of the classroom and / or as the availability of didactic materials.



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Author Biography / See

Carlos Bolívar Bonilla Baquero, Universidad Surcolombiana

Coordinar Postgrado Docencia de la Educación Física. Profesor Titular USCO.


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