Four reflections about the pedagogical act

Cuatro reflexiones sobre el acto pedagógico


Liberio Salazar Trujillo

1. Contrast between Piaget learning theories and Vygotsky learning theories

Piaget made an important contribution to the psicology of learning; probably, the most significant one in the field of pedagogical sciences in the last centuries. According to Piaget, learning is not only a memoristic storage of transferred data by the surrounding world (parents, teachers, partners): it is a whole re elaboration coming from their minds until achieve an adjustment with new knowledge previously asimilated, and that is translated to what he called "balance". Each new knowledge put in crisis this balance earlier reached until a new organization or structure substitute the above  to reimburse the balance



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Author Biography / See

Liberio Salazar Trujillo, Universidad Surcolombiana

Lic. Filosofía y Ciencias Religiosas, Esp. Filosofía Colombiana, Aspirante al Mag. en Filosofía Latinoamericana. Profesor USCO. Dpto. de Artes


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Bruner, Jerónimo (1973). E l Proceso Educativo. Ed. Paidós - Buenos Aires.

Coll Salvador, César (1987). Acción, interacción y construcción del conocimiento en situaciones educativas. Ed. Laia - Barcelona – 1987.

Mardones, J M (1992). Filosofía de la Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Ed. Antropos – Barcelona.

Péez Gómez, Ángel (1993). Comprender y transformar la enseñanza. Ed. Morata - Madrid - 2a. Edición.

Piaget, Jean (1972). Psicología y Pedagogía. Ed. Ariel – Barcelona.

Vygostky, L S (1989). El Desarrollo de los Procesos Psicológicos Superiores. Ed. Grij-albo - Barcelona.

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