Theory of control

Teoría del control


Luis Arturo Polanía Quiza Universidad Surcolombiana

The man has been roundig, in a large part, in the idea of controlling during its whole history. It is probably that before the appearence of the written history that was already known some rudimentary mechanisms of control (for instance, irrigation system). It is researched and experimented with the longing to know and therefore to be able to stablish means to control processes of the most wide nature. 

The invention of automatic speed controller of the James Watt's steam engines in the middle of the XVIII century , is cited as the first emergence of automatic control. 



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Author Biography / See

Luis Arturo Polanía Quiza, Universidad Surcolombiana

Esp. en Matemática Avanzada, Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, Mag. en Ciencias
Matemáticas. Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Profesor T.C. Universidad Surcolombiana


Azevedo Da Silveira, M (1995). Controle De Sistemas Lineares, IMPA 24 - 28 Julio, 1995.

Tocancipá, Alfonso (1980). Teoría del Control Boletín de Matemáticas. Volumen X.

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