Reflections about the National system of teaching training.

Reflexiones sobre el Sistema Nacional de Formación de Educadores


Luis Evelio Vanegas Rubio

DECREES 30120/97 and 272/98

It can not be denied that since the new Constitution of 1991, it has been doing  efforts to recreate the Colombian educational system, and also the reformulations  are being constructed from a modern perspective of problem analysis and participation of people involved in the processes, which the specific case is the whole society. It is also undeniable that spaces have been gained that allow for positive changes to achieve the improvement of the quality of education that must in turn reflect an improvement in the quality of life in each and every one of the affected sectors. But itself and understanding the complexity of the problem and the moment of falling into the pessimistic analysis, is worrisome in the way in which everything that is spoken, written and regulated to improve the quality of education remains a dead letter, or the actions that mean they are parallel to the other activities and norms will be published so that in conjunction they have clear and more precise effects.



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Author Biography / See

Luis Evelio Vanegas Rubio, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Universidad Surcolombiana


Criterios y Procedimientos para la Acreditación previa de los programas académicos de pregrado y de especialización en Educación.

Decreto 3012 de 1997.

Decreto 272 de 1998.

Decreto 0709 de 1996.

Ley 30 de 1992.

Ley 115 de 1994.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional. 1998. Hacia un Sistema Nacional de Formación de Educadores.

Plan Decenal de Educación -1996-2005-. Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

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