historic aspects of the group theory

Aspectos históricos de la teoría de grupos


Luis Arturo Polanía Quiza
Carlos Arturo Bohórquez Sánchez


It's important for the optimal conceptual development of some themes, to know their backgrounds, their orignis and mostly, the way of how they dabbed in the improvement of life, That is how this article aims to recover some aspects omitted in the development of the group theory.

Here, we mention some momentous authors  in the study of groups and the influence that these exerted on modern mathematicians; The historical aspects of Group Theory can help us at a given moment to give you a concrete applicability and to relate in a useful way groups with other fields of science different from mathematics. In very few works of the abstract Algebra mention is made of the groups Cristalográficos, nevertheless, its importance is eminent and to the extent that it deepens more in this subject, we will find multiple applications of the Crystallography to other Luis Arturo Polanía Quiza, is a professor of the Mathematics and Physics Program of the Surcolombiana University. Carlos Arturo Bohórquez, is a student of the ninth semester of the Mathematics and Physics Program of the same teaching center. branches of science and especially with regard to physics and chemistry. Through this work, we intend to illustrate in a very simple way the importance that Groups have had over time and also to create expectations that in some way encourage the reader to study these algebraic objects considered as the fundamental basis of abstract algebra.



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Author Biographies / See

Luis Arturo Polanía Quiza, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Programa de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad Surcolombiana

Carlos Arturo Bohórquez Sánchez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Estudiante de noveno semestre del Programa de Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad Surcolombiana


Acevedo, Myriam y Falk, Mary (1996). XIII Coloquio Distrital de Matemáticas y Estadística. (2 al 6 de diciembre de 1996). Una propuesta de trabajo para los cursos de álgebra moderna en la Licenciatura de Matemáticas. U.N.C. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Universidad Distrital.

Campos, Myriam (1996). XIII Coloquio Distrital de Matemáticas y Estadística. (2 al 6 de diciembre de 1996). Formas Cuadráticas y Grupos Clásicos. U.N.C. - Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Universidad Distrital.

Caicedo, Francisco (1977). Introducción a la Teoría de Grupos. Bogotá. (U.N.C.).

Gran enciclopedia ilustrada Círculo. De círculo de Lectores. 1984. Barcelona, España. Volumen 4 p. 1038, Volumen 11 p. 3730.

Herstein I, N (1979). Algebra moderna. Biblioteca de Matemática Superior. De. Trillas. México, p. 37 y 38.

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