How is it conceived nowadays the atom?

Cómo se concibe el átomo actualmente


Luis Javier Narváez Zamora

Descartes  in 1625, three centuries before the discovery of the electron, postulated according to his mathematical deductions that the atom must have a primitive elementary particle which he called "Whirlwind of the then universal ether". Two hundred years later Wilson in his fog chamber was able to photograph the path (his only evidence to date) that electrons leave in his wake because according to Wilson "we will never see electrons" because they are smaller than light waves and to see them directing them to wave energy greater than they can bear and this involves stopping them and changing their trajectory



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Author Biography / See

Luis Javier Narváez Zamora, Universidad Surcolombiana

Jefe del Programa de Biología y Química de la Universidad Surcolombiana.


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