ICT in the initial teacher training

Las TIC en la formación inicial docente


Sonia Amparo Salazar Aristizábal

The information and knowledge society is given by a paradigm shift that focuses on the access and use of technologies. According to UNESCO (2003b and 2005 cited by Ramírez 2012: 48) "the knowledge society is one that deals with the capacities to identify, produce, process, transform, disseminate and use information to build and apply knowledge for human development , with a social vision that encourages autonomy and encompasses plurality, integration, solidarity and participation ".
On the other hand, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refer to a wide range of services, applications and technologies that use different hardware (hardware) software (software) and that are often transmitted through telecommunications networks (netware) for the collection, storage, processing, transmission and visualization of information and communication "(European Union, 2001, cited by Ramírez, 2012: 26).



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Author Biography / See

Sonia Amparo Salazar Aristizábal, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesora Facultad de Educación


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