Borges and mathematics

Borges y la matemática


Hernando Gutiérrez Hoyos

Mathematical creation and literary creation have more affinities and analogies than other activities that engage the human brain. Many of the objects and elements on which they have some mathematical theories are true fiction, as are the objects and beings that star in a story or novel. Thus, for example, the Alephs introduced by Cantor to quantify the Infinite Sets (establishing themselves as Cardinal Transfinite) are taken up by the illustrious writer Jorge Luis Borges for many of his narrative constructions in which he materializes and objectifies some infinities as totalities (in act).

The rigor that goes along with the construction of Mathematical theories to protect coherence and avoid structural contradictions is similar to the rigor that the writer places on his work to make it consistent and give it credibility.



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Author Biography / See

Hernando Gutiérrez Hoyos, Universidad Surcolombiana

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación, Matemáticas de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Bogotá y especialista en Matemática Avanzada. Es docente de la Universidad Surcolombiana desde 1979 hasta la actualidad.


Borges, J. L. Historia Universal de la Infamia. (1983). Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial la Oveja Negra Ltda.

Borges, J. L. El Aleph. (1983). Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial La Oveja Negra Ltda.

Borges, J. L. El Hacedor. (1983). Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Oveja Negra Ltda.

Borges, J.L. Prosa. (1985). Barcelona, España: Industria Gráfica San Vincens Dels Hors.

Bourbaki, N. (1972). Elementos de Historia de la Matemática. Madrid, España: Editorial Alianza Editorial.

Castro Chadid, I. &, Pérez Alcázar, J. H. Un paseo Finito por el Infinito, el infinito en Matemáticas. Bogotá, Colombia: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Gutiérrez Girardot, R. (1998). Jorge Luis Borges, el Gusto de ser Modesto. Bogotá, Colombia: Panamericana Editorial.

Pinilla, A. (2004). Jorge Luis Borges La Literatura Como Tierra Propia. Bogotá, Colombia: Panamericana Editorial.

Real Academia Española. (2017). Borges Esencial. Lisboa, Portugal: Talleres Gráficos de Printer Rio de Mouro.

Borges, J. L. Borges Obras Completas. (1974). Buenos Aires, Emecé Editores. Recuperado de Noviembre 17 de 2017

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