Institutional Educative Project (P.E.I)

Proyectos educativos institucionales P.E.I.


Fabio Losada Pérez

In the P.E.I. the experiences of the institutions and of the community itself must be retaken. In this way, we intend to link culturally organized experiences with cognitive activities. Especially in the reorganization of the curricula and the new social organization of the school creating a new school culture, starting from the interdependence * of culture, ecology and historical circumstances, organizing balancing actions that are constituted in acts of intelligence which involve the development of certain competencies and the execution of certain domains.
One of the essential objectives of the Institutional Educational Projects P.E.I., interpreting the spirit of the General Law of Education; is to take advantage of the experience of all the educational agents so that they have the possibility to recognize, build and exercise the set of competences in their cultural context in the elaboration of the Educational Projects creating a new social organization in the school, with the participation of all and at the same time that responds to the needs of the environment.
With the elaboration of the P.E.I- by the institutions it is expected that they build their own curricula making the cognitive abilities acquire an adaptive value to the concrete situations processing the information of the reality; for this it is important to consider the relationship between language and cognition: the language and the sociocultural system, aware that language in the context of culture has close relationships with the ways in which subjects construct a social reality.



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Author Biography / See

Fabio Losada Pérez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Titular Universidad Surcolombiana


Bermúdez Vélez, Ángela. Constructivismo y Desarrollo Cognitivo: Aportes a la renovación curricular.

Bustos Cobos, Félix. Lineamientos de la educación formal en Colombia.

MODULO DE DESARROLLO HUMANOCINDE. "Enfoque Ecocultural de la cognición".

Ospina, Fabio. El constructivismo.

OJS System - Metabiblioteca |