From the document of the sages to the teaching practice

Del documento de los Sabios a la práctica docente


Hilda Marina Bohorquez Lozano

In the document of the Sages: "COLOMBIA: IN THE EDGE OF OPPORTUNITY" are very important ideas and comments related to the need to point to profound changes in the educational system, which can and should be taken into account by the Faculties of Education.

Aspects that have to do with these are framed in:
a) "A change in the thinking and style of work of all individuals belonging to an organization (set of people, processes and material resources and knowledge, and information structured and deliberately ordered for the fulfillment of a specific task) to learn to learn, to learn to live in peace with ourselves and with nature, to develop all our human potential and to create participative and collectively "
b) "Greater integration between the primary, secondary and post-secondary levels and
between the scholastic world with the labor and productive world, such that the sensation of frustration and irrelevance experienced before an education other than the student is avoided ".



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Author Biography / See

Hilda Marina Bohorquez Lozano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Coordinadora Práctica Docente

Facultad de Educación

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