Tertiary level of education since the demands of the 21st century (Curricular Guidelines)

La educación superior desde las exigencias del siglo XXI (Lineamientos Curriculares)


Nelson Ernesto López Jiménez

It should be pointed out that the components of this paper aims to return to the dilemmas that arise when analyzing concepts such as discipline, profession, trade, but inscribed in a socio-economic, political and cultural context as wide as possible, to take the discussion of the semantic level and place it in the field of reorganization and transformation, very much in line with the demands and challenges posed as a result of the advent of a new century and the need for recomposition derived from the reorganization of capitalism at the end of the century where "the system of The market is shown as the only possible, the most just and the one that reconstructs social interactions under the pretext that there is no other possible development model ".



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Author Biography / See

Nelson Ernesto López Jiménez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Investigador principal Provecto Currículo y Calidad de la Educación Superior en Colombia (fase III).  CFESUNIVERSIDAD SURCOLOMBIANA - 1997.


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