The dynamic burden of proof. A look between the challenge and reality

La carga dinámica de la prueba. Entre el desafío y la realidad


Helber Mauricio Sandoval Cumbe

This legal dissertation tries to show an approach to the phenomenon of the dynamic burden of proof, based on historical indo-deductive research, as one of those institutes for procedural law that ends nuanced by the application of the judge. Following, and based on the Colombian law, the origin of both concepts was scrutinized (the burden of proof and its "dynamic" version), finding its high risk of arbitrariness. It led to the conclusion that the unification of its application criteria is still complex despite the legal efforts to give it a structure, which becomes nothing more than an alternative of selective use. However, it is still better not to use it in order to avoid the same current tendency as a sophisticated concept day by day farther from reality due to its multiple exceptions.



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XXX. L. 1564/2012

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