Interpretative conflicts in the Colombian judicial system
The debate on interpretative conflicts in constitutional matters is a subject of continuous relevance, not only in Colombia but also in countries where there is a constitutional justice system that is strongly active in the protection of fundamental rights and in the defense of the constitution. The power to create law through the interpretation made by constitutional judges in very specific problems is a very complex issue since it involves applying constitutional regulations to cases, seeking the integration that will allow them to find the solution to the issue in question. This article, product of jurisprudential research, addresses the problem of judicial interpretation, specifying it in terms of interpretative divergences of the high Courts in Colombia, which has implied the reconfiguration of the classic scheme of the balance of powers and consequently the existence of conflicts between the powers.
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XXIX. Constitutional Court, Ruling T-983A of 2004 judge Rodrigo Escobar Gil
XXX. Constitutional Court, Ruling C-543 of 1992 judge José Gregorio Hernández Galindo).
XXXI. Constitutional Court, Ruling C-355 of 2006 judge Jaime Araújo Rentería and Clara Inés Vargas Hernandez
XXXII. Constitutional Court, Ruling C-054 of 2019 judge Diana Fajardo Rivera
XXXIII. Constitutional Court, Ruling C-308 of 2019 judge Diana Fajardo Rivera
XXXIV. Constitutional Court, Ruling C-221 of 1994 judge Carlos Gaviria Diaz
XXXV. Constitutional Court, Ruling SU-095 of 2018 judge Cristina Pardo Schlesinger
XXXVI. Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991
XXXVII. Congress of Colombia, Law 153 of 1887
XXXVIII. Congress of Colombia, Law 30 of 1986
XXXIX. Congress of Colombia, Police Code Law 1801 of 2016
XL. Congress of Colombia, Law 547 of 1999
XLI. Congress of Colombia, Law 547 of 1999
XLII. Congress of Colombia, Law 788 of 2002
XLIII. Congress of Colombia, Law 1943 of 2018
XLIV. Decree-Law 100 of 1980 Law 599 of 2000