Pacagrama and assessment of the educational institution level in four categories for crithical thinking. Report of a case

Pacagrama y valoración del nivel de una institución educativa en cuatro categorías del pensamiento crítico. Reporte de un caso


Yolima Pastrana Zambrano
Reinaldo Emilio Polo Ledesma

Education must respond to the challenges of technological and scientific development. The learning of natural sciences and environmental education in the Educational Institution Quebradón Sur, located in the rural area of the Municipality of Algeciras-Huila, presents some difficulties; One of them has to do with the fact that sixth grade students are not developing the necessary skills that allow them to manage and transform information during natural science learning. The above is manifested in the classroom where there is a great weakness to generate reflection, critical thinking, disinterest in the understanding of the phenomena of nature, difficulty finding usefulness to scientific knowledge and towards solving problems in their environment and its implications in its social, environmental and cultural development. To this end, this project aims to determine whether classes that use an interactive application in natural sciences and environmental education as a teaching resource, called PLEVCO, allow students to develop the critical thinking and learning. The above is established through a comparative analysis of the changes in the development of four critical thinking skills in students who receive a traditional class, and in those who receive it through an interactive application as a teaching resource. Due to its characteristics, the project requires three elements: curriculum research, evaluative research and the characteristics of a study case.



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Author Biographies / See

Yolima Pastrana Zambrano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ingeniera Agrícola de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Docente de Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental en la Institución Educativa Quebradón Sur en Algeciras (Huila).

Reinaldo Emilio Polo Ledesma, Universidad Surcolombiana

Ph. D. En Bioquímica. Docente de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Director de Trabajos de Investigación de la Maestría en Educación e Investigador del Grupo de Investigación PACA, Categoría A de Colciencias.


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