English Critical thinking with TPACK in bachelor's degree in Literature and Spanish Language

Critical thinking with TPACK in bachelor's degree in Literature and Spanish Language


Miller Andrés Galindo Ducuara
Irlesa Indira Sánchez Medina

The article presents the results of the research variables involved in an online training program that develops critical thinking and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model. Action research is carried out, within the framework of the ICT research line and the learning process, with a sample of 42 students from the first semester of the Bachelor's program in Literature and Spanish Language at the Universidad Surcolombiana, who participated in the pre-test. -test and post-test. In conclusion, the online training program strengthens the development of critical thinking with the application of the TPACK model.

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Biografía del autor/a / Ver

Miller Andrés Galindo Ducuara, Universidad Surcolombiana

Master in Education from the Surcolombiana University. Professor at the Surcolombiana University.

Irlesa Indira Sánchez Medina, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Master in Education and ICT from the Cooperative University of Colombia. Professor at the Cooperative University of Colombia, Neiva.

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