Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  • Manuscripts submitted to PACA Journal must be attached in Word text editor format.

  • Manuscripts must contain a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 pages, Arial font, size 12 and 1.5 spacing.

  • Manuscripts that, due to their thematic nature, include mathematical formulas, must be written in technological tools (equation editor) compatible with Word text editor.

  • If the manuscript sent to PACA Journal contains images, graphics, photos, etc., they must be attached separately in original format, duly identified.

  • The manuscript must not be published or submitted for consideration by any other journal.

  • The author must attach the format MI-INV-FO-15 DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY.

  • Manuscripts that comply with the typology of scientific research and review articles must meet the following parameters:

    • Article title: It must be concise, informative and attractive. It must not have more than 15 words. The title must be presented in Spanish and English. At the bottom of the page, the title of the research that originated it and the period of its completion should be noted.

    • Author(s) Information: Full names, formation level, graduation program, position and institution of the work place, institution country, email, ORCID code, place and date of the investigation.

    • Finance: If the research that originated the manuscript had financial support in its development, the institution (s) that provided the support should be named.

    • Abstract: A summary in Spanish and English will be presented. The abstract should be structured and will have a maximum of 250 words.

    • Keywords: A maximum of five (5) keywords in Spanish and English must be included.

    • Introduction: The author must establish the purpose of the study, summarize its logical basis, mentioning some pertinent references.

    • Theoretical references: The authors and theories that supported the research should be described and analyzed in depth.

    • Methodology: It should reflect the methodological orientation of the research, the logical structure and the scientific rigor of the research process, as well as the techniques and tools used to achieve the objectives.

    • Results: They must be presented in a logical sequence, with their respective tables and graphs, and the comments of the main research findings.

    • Discussion: In this section the authors emphasize the most important aspects of the study and compare them with the results of other similar investigations. Conclusions that are not supported by the findings should be avoided.

    • Conclusions: Present the main conclusions that emerge from the study.

    • References: It should contain only the references cited in the article, following the guidelines established in the current APA standards. Remember that everyone must wear French sangria in this way:

      • Book: Surname, Initials author's name. (Year). Title of the book. Place of Publication: Editorial.

        Ex: Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J.C. (2010). The heirs: the students and the culture. Buenos Aires, Argentina: 21st Century Publishers.

      • Book with editor: ASurname, Initials of the author's name (Ed.). (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial.

        Ex: Ireland, V. (Ed.) (2007). Rethinking Escola: um was about the challenges of learning, reading and writing. Brasilia, Brazil: UNESCO, INEP.

      • Chapter of the book: Surname, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Chapter Title In Initials, name of the editor or compiler. Surname. (Ed.) Or (Comp.), Book title (pp. Xx-xx). Place of publication: Editorial.

        Ex: Hoyos, G. (2002). New relationships between the university, the State and society. In Henao, M. (Comp.), Higher education, society and research (pp. 2-18). Bogotá, Colombia: COLCIENCIAS, ASCUN.

      • Magazine article: Surname, Initials of the author's name. (Year). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp.

        Ex: Somoza Rodríguez, M. (2002). Continuity of topics: racial and social prejudices in Argentine civic education during the Peronist period. Studia Magazine of the Universidad del Atlántico, 2-3, 49-66.

Once all the guidelines have been fulfilled, the authors must submit the manuscripts through the magazine's website, and registration is necessary. If during the process, you have problems, contact us by email and thus be able to provide all the necessary guidance.

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