“Indagación y cuestionamiento: herramientas clave para el aprendizaje”
Educational institutions from primary basic education have the responsibility to educate students to understand and transform your knowledge into real learning. The accom- paniment of teachers must be deal to establish a connection between curriculum and reality. This way you can take the development of the investigative culture as a trans- versal axis of the knowledge. The teaching strategies that implement in their pedagogi- cal practices must respond to specific needs, based on flexibility and adaptability to any level or area of knowledge, as well as any educational context.
Therefore the problem of research is deal towards identification of elements of the stra- tegies employed by teachers to promote and develop the research culture of students in the third grade of primary basic education from Columbus American School in Rivera (Huila). It takes into account the Pedagogical Practices as a diagnosis in the areas of Spanish, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics. Subsequently it describes places where conducted study, research background, objectives which oriented the research and its respective methodology as well as the results obtained.
Investigative skills are seen as tools for improving student performance. It constitutes the methodological basis to reach a research culture contextualized, contributing to the strengthening of the investigative spirit of learners, which develop their scientific skills through the application of pedagogical processes inherent in the practices of teachers in the classroom.
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