research in public health in the curriculum of medicine of the universidad surcolombiana

La investigación en salud pública en el currículo de medicina de la Universidad Surcolombiana


Hernán Mauricio Sendoya Álvarez

Introduction: "Health is the state and civic responsibility of protection of individual and community health as a fundamental right, collective and achieved depending on the conditions of welfare and quality of life." (Ministry of Health and Social Protec- tion, 2013 ) so that research in this branch of knowledge becomes a major curriculum to develop in medical education aspects, since it allows to form competencies within the medical practice based on validated knowledge. This study sought to characterize the research in public health education program Surcolombiana Medical University.



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Author Biography / See

Hernán Mauricio Sendoya Álvarez, Universidad Surcolombiana

Médico, Economista, Especialista en Gerencia de las Organizaciones de la Salud. Docente de Salud Pública de la Universidad Surcolombiana


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